Why Is Flovent So Expensive?

Why is flovent so expensive?

Flovent is used to treat and prevent asthma symptoms like wheezing and breathlessness. To facilitate breathing, it reduces swelling (inflammation) of the lung airways. You can keep up with your regular activities and cut down on time missed from work or school by managing your asthmatic symptoms.

The way Fluticasone is eliminated from your body by other medications may have an impact on how fluticasone functions. Some azole antifungals, such as ketoconazole, and HIV protease inhibitors, like Lopinavir, and Ritonavir are a few examples. With so much attractiveness of good medication, it belongs to a high-tier medication, so now you know why is Flovent so expensive. 

What does Flovent do?

What does flovent do?
What does Flovent do?

Flovent (Generic: Fluticasone) is a member of the corticosteroid medication subclass. It stops the body from releasing chemicals that lead to inflammation. To be successful, this drug needs to be taken frequently. Since it takes time to start working, it should not be used to treat acute asthma attacks.

Use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, also known as salbutamol in some countries) as directed if you experience an asthma attack.

Asthma is a long-term, chronic lung condition that has two key contributing factors: airway constriction and inflammation. Flovent works by lowering inflammation in the lungs’ airways, Flovent aids in the prevention of asthma symptoms, but your outcomes could differ.

If you experience unusually high levels of fatigue or lose weight, contact your doctor straight once. Wear a medical ID bracelet or warning card that states you take (or have used) corticosteroids.

Side Effects of Flovent:

Side effects of flovent
Side Effects of Flovent
  • Hoarseness
  • Throat irritation
  • Wheezing or breathing difficulties
  • Coughing
  • Headache 
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Voice changes(rare) 
  • Thrush 
  • Increased risk of infections 
  • Decreased bone density
  • Adrenal suppression 
  • Glaucoma or cataracts(rare)

Rare side effects include:

  • Rash
  • Itching
  • Swelling (particularly of the face, tongue, or throat)
  • Severe Dizziness

How to use Flovent Diskus?

How to use flovent diskus?
How to use Flovent Diskus?
  • If you are using the inhaler for the first time, if it has been more than a week since you last used it, or if you dropped it, follow the instructions for priming the device. 
  • To avoid getting the medication into your eyes while priming the inhaler, make sure to spray away from your face.
  • Before each usage, give the inhaler a good five-second shake. 
  • As prescribed by your doctor, typically twice daily, inhale this drug by mouth (in the morning and evening). Your medical condition and treatment response will determine the dosage.
  • Fluticasone comes in the powder form Flovent Diskus, which also includes a unique inhaler device that is already filled with blister packs containing calculated dosages of fluticasone. Each time you use the inhaler, the gadget opens and packs a blister of fluticasone.
  • If you experience any difficulties using this inhaler, consult your physician or pharmacist. 
  • Young children could benefit more from this if they use a spacer device and face mask.

Flovent Cost:

How much does Flovent cost without insurance?

For one inhaler, the entire retail cost of Flovent HFA for uninsured patients is $363. Flovent’s monthly price will vary depending on the dosage recommended. 

However, once the foil bag is opened, a Flovent Inhaler is only effective for six weeks, proving why is Flovent so expensive. Furthermore, one can get heavy discounts on LifeRx Pharmacy. 

How much is Flovent with insurance?

Flovent HFA, under insurance, can cost $80-$110 for 44 mcg for a month’s supply, which is far less than what we get without insurance.

Check out LifeRx Pharmacy for discounts and deals to avail the best prices.

Why is Flovent so expensive?

Why is flovent so expensive?
Why is Flovent so expensive?

In general, several asthma treatments are at least partially covered by the majority of insurance policies, including Medicare and Medicaid. Not all inhalers will be covered by every plan, and out-of-pocket expenses depend on the particular plan. Coverage and pricing vary by plan.

For your insurer to pay for the cost of the medication, your healthcare professional will probably need to demonstrate that the prescribed inhaler is medically required. It’s possible that your insurance policy needs prior approval to be covered.

Ask your doctor about filing an appeal if the formulary for your insurance plan does not contain the prescribed inhaler.

Another reason why is Flovent so expensive is that HFA (Hydrofluoroalkanes) asthma inhalers have taken the place of CFC inhalers. It became more challenging for consumers to save money on generic versions of popular inhalers as pharmaceutical companies and drug manufacturers switched from CFC to HFA-based inhalers.

The switch to HFA inhalers resulted in several new patents being issued for what was effectively the same medication using a different propellant, raising the price. Again, whenever a medicine manufacturer makes a change to the treatment, they tend to raise the price to cover the costs of research and development and, of course, to enhance their profit margin.

Unfortunately, there are no generic versions of fluticasone a.k.a Flovent inhalants, hence why is Flovent so expensive? Patients without insurance would have to purchase brand-name Flovent at full retail cost. Flovent is a life-saving drug that Medicare, Medicaid, and the majority of insurance policies cover. 

Flovent is likely to be a high-tier drug, meaning that you’ll pay a larger co-pay than other medications covered by your insurance plan. However, as a brand-name-only medication, certain insurance companies may demand prior permission. A prescription for Flovent may be partially covered by health insurance, but the real out-of-pocket expense will be based on the co-pay and deductible of the insurance plan.

When will generic Flovent be available?

When will generic flovent be available?
When will generic Flovent be available?

Currently, there is no generic for Flovent available that’s why is Flovent so expensive even with insurance.

The most common and effective treatment for asthma is inhaled corticosteroids. In this pharmacological class, however, there aren’t many generic alternatives. Other types of FDA-approved medications are also used to lessen the frequency and severity of asthma symptoms, but they should never be recommended instead of inhaled corticosteroids. They cannot be used as less expensive substitutes for Flovent.

There is presently no generic substitute for the Flovent. It can take years for a cost-effective, generic version of the same medication to become available because patents are issued at different stages of a drug’s development cycle and for various components (like the propellant in the case of asthma inhalers) all with different expiration dates. Few reasons why is Flovent so expensive. 

Note: Fraudulent Online pharmacies can try to sell Flovent HFA in its generic form. These pharmaceuticals could be hazardous imitations. Make sure you get prescription drugs from a reliable and legitimate online pharmacy if you buy them online. If you have any questions about ordering any drug online, consult your doctor.

Flovent HFA 125mcg$347.72Check Now
Flovent HFA 250mcg$92.35Check Now
Generic Flovent


How long does Flovent stay in your system?

As a rough estimate, Flovent may be detectable in the body for up to several hours to a few days after the last dose. However, its therapeutic effects in managing asthma may continue for a longer duration.

How long does it take for Flovent to work?

It is not a rescue inhaler hence, immediate effect is not observed but it can reduce the coughing and wheezing to an extent after a few hours of intake. Typically, Flovent starts to work within a few days to a few weeks after starting treatment. However, it may take up to several weeks of consistent use before you notice a significant improvement in your asthma symptoms. It’s essential to use Flovent regularly and as prescribed by your healthcare provider to achieve the best results.

How long do you have to wait between Albuterol and Flovent?

There’s typically no specific waiting time required between using albuterol and Flovent. It’s quite common for people with asthma to use both medications together as part of their treatment regimen. Albuterol is often used as a rescue inhaler to provide quick relief of symptoms during asthma attacks, while Flovent is used as a maintenance medication to prevent symptoms from occurring in the first place. To be very safe in mind, the recommended wait time is from a few minutes to an hour.

How to wean off Flovent?

Complete wean off from a full course usually takes around 4 weeks to wean off completely from your system. You shouldn’t abruptly stop using Flovent. Stopping abruptly could exacerbate your issue. Moreover, your healthcare provider may conduct lung function tests, such as spirometry, to assess your asthma control. They’ll consider factors such as your symptoms, frequency of asthma attacks, and medication use to determine if tapering off Flovent is appropriate. 

When will generic Flovent be available?

Generic Flovent is now available since January 2024 but, proper legal duties might take a couple of years to process and completely be available for the general public to buy. That is the reason why is Flovent so expensive.


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